Load bank rental solutions in Europe and Africa

Discover all our equipment available for rental or sale.

TOVO-TEST offers solutions specially designed to meet the requirements of commissioning levels 4 and 5.

Every product we recommend for sale or lease has been carefully selected to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of your IT and data center infrastructures, from initial testing through to full commissioning.

Computer room extension and private customer

Load banks accuracy

Interconnection of load banks

Genuine server replicas

Afterextending an existing computer room or building a data center for private use.
Racks and pdus are usually installed beforehand.
It is therefore strongly recommended to carry out a test, even a partial one.

This is perhaps the best way:

  • test the ability of air-conditioning systems to meet the new heat density requirements.
  • check the correct operation of the electrical system upstream and downstream of the distribution boards, in terms of power and redundancy for example.
TT4 e-Connect range

TT4 e-Connect range

Our TT4 e-Connect range is the perfect answer.

  • Electrical [Power P, Current I, Voltage V, etc.].
  • And Thermal [Front panel T°, Delta T°, Rear panel T°, etc.].

They can be retrieved, collected at the end of a test or used in real time, thanks to different threshold settings for analysis and comparison with customer meters and measurement tools - for an estimate of PUE, for example.

MK4 range

MK4 range

Another variant with the same features is Just like our MK4 range, if the use of 2 electrical channels and remote management are not required.

In addition, several accessories are available for these load banks, such as a power conversion system for converting 32 three-phase amps into 6 x 16 single-phase amps, or 5g6 extension leads from 5ml to 10ml.

Datacenter Edge

Load banks accuracy

Specificity of the DC load bank

An Edge data center is a small to medium-sized infrastructure located in close proximity to the end-users or devices it serves. This proximity reduces latency, i.e. data transmission time, by bringing computing and storage resources closer to data sources.

Edge data centers are essential for edge computing, where part of the data processing is carried out at the edge of the network, rather than in a centralized data center.

Their deployment supports a variety of applications, from the Internet of Things (IoT) to multimedia content, augmented reality and cloud services, offering improved performance in terms of speed and reliability.

TT_48VDC range

TT_48VDC range

  • Designed and developed for one of Europe's largest operators, this DC range has been used to test and qualify the commissioning of several Edge Datacenters for 5G deployment.
  • Its temperature delta of +/-13°C, its dual-channel electrical system with operation between channel A and channel B at 50/50, 0/100, 100/0 enable it to simulate a real computer server.
  • Rack-mountable in 19" or 21" racks, TT_48VDC load banks can also be pre-integrated into temporary racks on wheels, which we can rent out if the computer room doesn't have one.
  • In addition, several accessories can be combined with these benches, such as 50² cables with lengths ranging from 3ml to 20ml, temperature and humidity probes, and pressure probes.
TT4 e-Connect range

TT4 e-Connect range

In conjunction with the TT4 e-Connect dual-channel 3.5KW 230VAC 16amps range, the DC and AC electrical chains will be fully tested, as well as the cooling system, thanks to a delta T° of up to 9°C.

Hyperscale data centers (DCH) and colocation data centers

Modular load banks

Load banks adaptability

Scalable load banks power

A hyperscale data center is a large-scale infrastructure designed to support high levels of demand for virtualization, storage and processing.

These facilities are characterized by their massive capacity to evolve rapidly to meet growing data processing and storage needs.

Hyperscale data centers are often operated by large technology companies such as cloud service providers, social media platforms and search engines, which require an infrastructure capable of handling huge volumes of data.They incorporate advanced technologies for energy efficiency, thermal management and automation, enabling optimized large-scale operation and maintenance.

TT3 range

TT3 range

From the outset, the TT3 was designed for modular use and scalable power. With a power rating of 10.5KW, this range can be operated from an initial 3.5KW block. Each 3.5KW block has 4 steps: 25% - 50% - 75% and 100% charge.

The plus? TT3 has a variable delta T° up to 16°C at 100% load. Scalable? Yes, because TT3 benches can be stacked to provide much higher power ratings: 10.5KW - 21KW - 31.5KW - 42KW, etc.

Floor load benches

22KW 32Amps three-phase floor load banks

Another variant is possible with our 22KW 32Amps three-phase floor standing load banks , if only a density /capacity requirement is needed during testing, while maintaining perfect load distribution.

In addition, these load banks can be pre-integrated into wheeled racks available for hire and, depending on the on-site power supply, supplied with power conversion systems for direct connection to TapeOffs or temporary distribution boxes with 250Amps or 650Amps' breakers protection.

Temporary containment

Regardless of the commissioning situation, the separation of hot and cold air flows is a matter of course for real-life room commissioning.

This separation also allows :

Precise measurements of temperature, humidity and pressure

Parameterize air-conditioning cabinets during load increases

To guide the air perfectly into the room and especially the cold air during track loss tests...

If the room has no containment, the use of temporary self-supporting containment systems, combined with load banks or medium-density racks pre-equipped with load banks (evenly distributed in the aisles), is the best way to represent the operation of a server room.

The temporary containment system proposed by TOVO-TEST is M1-rated (fire resistance) and benefits from a very light mass to fit in and adapt to all rooms of different heights and widths and to all pre-existing equipment (such as containment roofs or customer' racks).

In addition, several accessories are also available for rental, such as 19" or 21" front panels and temperature/humidity and pressure probes.

Site design and referencing by Simplébo
